Mursener & Associates
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Diversity Seminars
The workforce in America today is truly unique.  There has never been a workplace and a workforce that is so diverse in so many ways.  The mix of race, gender, ethnicity and generation is truly stunning.  In order to be the best we can be and have a productive and harmonious workplace, it is essential that we understand and respect each other. 
There is a growing recognition in the workplace that gulf of misunderstanding and resentment between the older, not so old and younger employees is growing and if not dealt with can hinder productivity.

Boomers, Xers and Other Strangers

Learn about the four different generations in today's workplace.  Find out what makes each one of them an asset to your business.  Discover how to manage, motivate and retain the best talent, regardless of their age.

Effectively Leading a Diverse Workforce

The workplace has changed and it is more diverse than ever before.  To be successful, one needs to understand how to deal with the diversity.  Learn about the unique characteristics of each of four different generations.  Discover the differences in the way men and women work and learn how to create a harmonious work environment.

Understanding the Youngest Generation

Generation Y?  What makes the tick?  This youngest generation has a lot to offer employers.  They also present a lot of challenges.  Learn what it is about this generation that is so fascinating and frustrating.  Discover what it takes to motivate and manage this new generation.
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